Pain is our body’s way of warning us that there’s something wrong. It is a normal reaction to injury or illness. The pain usually goes away once your body has recovered.
But for some people, the pain continues long after the injury or illness is gone. When it lasts for about 3-6 months or more, it is characterized as chronic pain.
There are a variety of treatments for chronic pain. A-1 Healthcare Management is here to talk about some of them.
If you or your senior suffers from chronic pain, the doctor may recommend one or more of the following treatments:
- Physical therapy
This includes heat and cold therapy on parts that hurt, stretching exercises, massages, etc. Luckily, you can now get Physical Therapy at home. - Occupational therapy
The combination of physical and occupational therapy is something most doctors do simply because they have been found to be most effective. Don’t worry. Our Home Care in Huntington Beach, California offers both services. You don’t have to look far. - Surgery
This treatment is reserved for severe pain that negatively affects the patient’s quality of life and ability to perform day-to-day tasks.
If you need help looking after your senior with chronic pain, feel free to take advantage of our Skilled Nursing services. We’re always ready to help.
Looking for Hospice Care in California? You’re in the right place. Just dial 714-379-3074 to get in touch.
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